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Qatar Airways International flight vouchers

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

Instead of just writing, I woke up at dawn. It occurred slightly re-ordered. I woke up and it dawned on me. Things were even more misty than before. It has been a challenging four months, I believe for many, and so for us. I am married and my husband is from one of the Asian countries. One of those countries where woman use american men for money, but hide their intentions with a meaningless word to some but a deep emotion to others. I entered one day before the quarantine, like entering a spinning shopping mall entrance, nipping at your heels.

Instead of feeling at home where I belong, I spend the next few months feeling stranded.

This past week, I began to browse for flights back to my home country. I am at the verge of counting pennies - one of those unfortunate souls affected by quarantine as I wait to return to work- with an expired visa and the feeling that my marriage is hanging by a thread.

However, I am aware that this is a challenging year filled with life changing retrogades that is not over until November said so. or probably December as they mention the effect always lasts about two weeks after. We will either arrive stronger or we will feel defeated until we become aware.

Sometimes though we are faced with challenges, like being kicked when we are down. That is how supportive the human race are. Instead of standing together in the most difficult times, it is now husbands vs wives. Transwoman vs JK Rowling. Black vs white-must I say 25 years after Nelson Mandela freed a nation of apartheid. How dissapointed he would be if he could see that his purpose was in vain. Goverments vs Tv Networks, and the reason for writing this, Airlines kicking their loyal flyers when they are already bravely fighting to keep their heads above their graves.

After a cancelled flight in April with Qatar Airways, I was compensated for a voucher valued at-what my trip was-supposedly said--worth back to my country. To me my flight was worth a trip back.Finally, I was able to - after months- find flights again online for August. To my surprise. One way flight fare was now more expensive than return fares in normal times.(Should they not be willing to assist holding ticket customer with a better option. Even if I used this voucher, it would be as though I lost that fare.

It was a very intelligent business decision of a star employee. Everybody was now either fighting to regain what they have lost or to survive. Who knows the cost of an overstayed visa, that I had no control over. Is it not like draining water from a rock?

Qatar used to be my go-to Airline, now I just feel cheated.

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Unveiling the Writer

I knew from a very young age that writing would always play an important part of my life. In 2000, I realized I could make a living from the written word and I haven’t looked back since.

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