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  • Writer's pictureCB Jefferson

A look into my book sales report part 1

I dont know if I am violating any terms and conditions, but thought it would be worth sharing.

Showing my reality to others so they can be sure to have a better strategy from the get go. I am sharing this for other writers like me, people humble enough to understand that we are all new at something at some point. I completely went silent about my mystery novel for the time being as it is my baby, and I dont want to risk my baby by not having a strategy, but to do that I will have to learn the path to success. There are great names out there claiming to have come by what they have today with a difficult road. A road we have no proof of. And if their road was so difficult, then why is it that they havent learned from it and become humble in the process, or has this difficult road made them hard.

I self publish my childrens picture book on the 11th of September, as a mean to feel my way into the world of self publishing. A small project that could mean alot to a young child, however.

at $1.99 and began sharing like a maniac on social media. Soon to realize that those links go with little to no engagement on twitter.

It seems to me that if you are not already established that twitter has become a 'you do for me, I do for you' platform. Which leaves me with the question? My profile will be filled with other struggling artist to sell their work, not a means of finding potential legitimate following, people who follow because they are interested in what you have to offer.

#writerslift is very effective in growing your following and probably make you seem popular and worthy of engagement, but I feel that it doesnt yield the following that would garner success.

After 5 days of the $1.99 offer and because of extensive promotion I didnt sell anything, but I did however climb up the pages to be more visible. This is when I decided to do a 5 days free amazon promotion. My book was now more visible and it will be free, so I was excited to see the results it would garner and the feedback I would get from readers.

I was ecstatic by that first free download, I mean second. The first was my own to do a quality check. I refreshed like crazy to see if I got a review. Googled how long before amazon reviews reflect, to find out if their was any that it would take up to 72 hours to show up. I refresh after this time span and still nothing. However by the time I refreshed that early morning hours before I went to sleep, I had 5 free downloads. Was this good enough for something that was free?

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Unveiling the Writer

I knew from a very young age that writing would always play an important part of my life. In 2000, I realized I could make a living from the written word and I haven’t looked back since.

I like to experiment with various writing styles and techniques. I’m never afraid to tackle any project or find new, creative ways to come up with something fresh and original. Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to learn more about my work or my innovative approach to writing.

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