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Months has passed

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” ...

I started a blog, became discouraged and dissapeared. Re-read my posts weeks later and decided that I had nothing to write a post about at that moment. I didn't feel like a blogger, I am a writer. I was struggling with the challenges of whether I was doing enough as a writer. Was my writing what others would want to read? Was it good enough? I actually think it is very good and it can still improve. That is my thoughts on a good day. Then comes that bad one where I drown in my own negative thoughts thinking what am I doing. Then my husband confirms it, when he tells me to stop living in a fantasy world.

Does he think I am not good enough? I am wondering. Perhaps he just doesnt believe I am capable of such success story. How can I expect him to believe in me if somedays I have a hard time myself.

Between all that, I struggled with finding the motivation and time to attend to my blog. I dont have anything to offer anyone. I would tell myself. Then ask myself what could I possibly offer anyone, worth their time. I write fiction. What I write about is not real.

Months has passed like this, I was working on my debut novel, studying as much as I could about writing. Reading about "how to write a bestseller. Things like writing a bestseller in a week. Absurd, I thought. Then one day I did another search, in the midst of frustration and procrastination. Reading on social media about how much writers write per day. Writers that write three chapters a day? Magnificent. I was officially horrible at writing. That is when i decided to turn to google. "How much does famous authors write per day" i ask google.

There it was. I wasnt too bad.

Great names in writing didnt write what you would think is alot at all. And so, it breathed motivation back into my veins. I was aspiring to daily reach Stephen Kings count, which made me daily, feel productive and accomplished. Even if I didnt reach Kings count, I still passed many counts of other great well known authors. This method help my paragraphs to stay powerful and creative. Rather than follow the counts of whatever I read online. If it was possible to successfully finish three chapter in a day, then that one should be able to finish a novel in ten days? Can good books be finished in ten days? I doubt. Not even J.K Rowling can do that. Why waste time on something you would believe to be anything less of a bestseller...oh because you write for the love of it.

Is it worth doing it for love?

This is when I came to a decision, I wasnt going to let my writing rot on a virtual amazon shelf. I was proud of what I was doing and realized that if I was going to be successful, then I would need a strategy, and rather like everyone else who offers you tips on writing a bestseller with figures, I decided that I would document this journey from the beginning.

Share the process. Where I am now, my next move and what that moves outcome will be. Because what I have learned, is that it looks so simple from the outside looking in, until you are on the inside. Refreshing that report every 30minutes in of the day.

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Unveiling the Writer

I knew from a very young age that writing would always play an important part of my life. In 2000, I realized I could make a living from the written word and I haven’t looked back since.

I like to experiment with various writing styles and techniques. I’m never afraid to tackle any project or find new, creative ways to come up with something fresh and original. Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to learn more about my work or my innovative approach to writing.

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